. Any member of the group can still be call golden chanterelle, if one is speaking
Cinnabar-Red Chanterelle (Cantharellus cinnabarinus)
This one issmaller than the golden and has a color ranging from bright pink to deep reddish-orange. Its culinary uses are the same, though it’s not as well known[vi]. , “cinnabar” is a red mineral ore from which mercury is derive.
Small Chanterelle (Cantharellus minor)
As the name implies, this species[viii] is very small with a thin, very long, stem—somewhat like a flat-head nail. The stem can be hollow. It can be confuse with small examples of golden chanterelle.
White Chanterelle (Cantharellus subalbidus)
The white chanterelle[ix] is larger than most of its relatives and white or whitish in color. Older specimens, or those that have been handle, may stain yellowish. This species is foun almost in old-growth forests, not in younger second growth. Whether this means the fungus cannot live in young forests. or if its fruiting is
delayed until old-growth status is reache is not clear.
Ashen Chanterelle, or Black Trumpet ( Chanterelle Mushroom uk)
This is one of several species[x] referred to as “black trumpet.” Unfortunately, finding any information on this one is difficult. It is dark gray to black, with a white bloom on the sides where spores are produce.
Horn of Plenty (Craterellus cornucopioides)
This is another “black trumpet.”[xi] It, too, is black but develops a white bloom as the spores mature. It is one of those where the “vase” appears empty. It’s a European species, but has several North American equivalents.
Flame Chanterelle (Craterellus ignicolor)
This one, also called yellow foot or small chanterelle[xii], is almost as small as the other small. chanterelle already listed, and it develops a distinct hole in the top. like a very narrow interior of the vase. It is yellow, but sometimes its sides, where its ridges are, become pink or pinkish with maturity.
Funnel Chanterelle (Craterellus tubaeformis)
Another yellow foot! This one is also called the winter mushroom[xiii]. The base of the stem is yellow, the top of the cap is brown, and the sides are gray. It might actually be species..
Fragrant Chanterelle (Craterellus odoratus)
Despite the name, the fragrant chanterelle[xiv] is not especially fragrant. nor is its scent distinctive within the usually good-smelling chanterelle group. It has thin flesh and a deep, empty vase shape, like the black trumpets, but is a bright yellow-orange.
Chanterelle Mushrooms Look-Alikes
Besides the trumpets. which arealternate chanterelles, there are a few other mushrooms that are sometimes. mistaken for chanterelles. Some are edible, others are not. The key to avoiding confusion is to remember that chanterelles do not have true gills. do not have scales, do not grow on wood, and most have unbranched stems. Also, remember that even an expert can make a mistake through inattention to detail.
Blue Chanterelle (Polyozellus multiplex)
Blue chanterelles[xv] are not currently listed in the same genus, or even the same family, as the true chanterelles. but their fruiting bodies do have the same vase-like shape. Their flesh is brittle (most chanterelles are somewhat fibrous. almost like string cheese) and the blue to black color is distinctive. The stems branch, producing clusters of caps. An online search on their toxicity yields websites listing recipes, so people do eat them.
Gomphoid Mushrooms
The genus, Gomphus, has been divide into several not-very-closely-related. groups now referred to as the gomphoid[xvi] mushrooms. Though members of a different taxonomic family. the Gomphaceae, they resemble chanterelles and trumpets. They differ in having either scaly upper surfaces or branched stems. Their spores are also rough, while those of the chanterelles and the trumpets are smooth. Some members of the group are definitely toxic, but others are eaten withoutill. effect a difference that could depend on cooking technique. or other factors as much as on the biochemistry of the fungus[xvii].
False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca)
The false chanterelle[xviii] is as the name implies. similar in size, color, and sometimes shape to the golden chanterelle. and is sometimes confused with it. A close look distinguishes the two. but, since the false chanterelle has true gills. not false gills or ridges, and is umbrella-shaped. not vase-shaped (the center of the cap may sometimes be depress enough to suggest a vase). The cap surface is also velvety in texture. whereas all the chanterelles and trumpets are smooth. and the false chanterelle is not mycorhizal but feeds instead on well-rotted wood and woody debris.
Some people eat this species with no problems, although it reportedly doesn’t taste very good. but there have been reports of gastrointestinal upset and hallucinations. Worse, it could be confuse for the toxic jack-o-lantern.
Eastern Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom (Omphalotus illudens)
The eastern jack-o-lantern[xix] is another that can be confuse with the golden chanterelle because of its orange color. though mature specimens can develop a vase-like shape as the edges of the cap turn up and become thin and wavy. The stem is thicker at the top as well. But it, too, has true gills and a fondness for growing on wood. Its claim to fame, aside from it’s resemblance to a chanterelle, is that the gills can sometimes glow in the dark.
It’s also toxic, and is the primary reason why no one should eat false chanterelle. which it resembles quite (the main differences are its smooth surface and the fact that its gills do not fork). While it rarely kills those who eat it, the symptoms are reportedly severe.
There are many, very similar Omphalotus species. any of which could be confuse for a golden chanterelle by the unwary.
Chanterelle Mushroom uk Benefits
The golden chanterelle has been the subject of recent scientific. study suggesting that certain of its extracts have immunoregulatory properties[xx]. antioxidant activity[xxi]. antimicrobial activity[xxii], and other potential benefits. but, in all cases, the studies involved either chemical analysis alone. or chemical analysis in combination with in vitro studies. not human or animal subjects. While it seems possible that effective medications can be derive from golden chanterelle. (and from its close relatives). it hasn’t done yet. Whether eating the mushroom could have a medicinal benefit is also unclear.
The idea that chanterelles make healthy food is more definite [xxiii]. since they are low in total calories and fat and high in copper. niacin, pantothenic acid. and vitamin D. While a large part of the mushroom’s total calorie count is from protein… there are so few calories in a serving that the total amount of protein is low. Like most mushrooms, the chanterelle is water.
No dosage has been establishe because no medicinal. use has been establishe some might be in the future. The cooked mushroom can be eat
Chanterelle Mushroom uk Toxicity, Safety, & Side Effects
Any food can cause allergic reactions to sensitivities in some individuals. but the primary danger with chanterelles is that of mistaken identity. Jack-o-lantern is the most likely toxic look-alike. but other, dangerous mistakes are possible. The key is to not underestimate the ability of humans to make mistakes. even obvious-seeming mistakes. It is important for foragers to take the time for careful identification.
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